Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Last of the Visitors...

Hello Hello!

Well, Joe left yesterday and after realizing I have no more visitors and it is just me and Oz for the next three months, I got a bit homesick! That's right, homesick! Who would have thunk it huh?

Joe's trip to Australia was great- it gave me an excuse to get out of Sydney and see a bit of the Gold Coast. We jetted off to Surfer's Paradise early Saturday morning,5 September. We flew into a gloomy Gold Coast Airport and were quite anxious as to what the weekend would bring with the weather, the company and, for Joe's sake, the surf!After our 45 minute bus ride from the Gold Coast into the heart of Surfer's Paradise, the sun broke away from the clouds and gave us a gorgeous day. Unfortunately, the winds were a bit strong and the surf was not up to par so we just spent a lazy day at the beach, in the jacuzzi and wandering the wacky and tacky Surfer's boardwalk.

That night, after an all you can eat sushi buffet dinner, I came down with a nasty bug and had fevers all night. With that said, we woke up at 4:15 in the morning and spent all of Sunday repeating our Saturday's activities! Only, this time we went to the beach, I fell asleep a bit too long on my back and got a nice sunburn that turned into quite a tan by the time we got back to Sydney (sorry Mom)! I figured I was up to go out on the Sunday night as we could not come all this way to Surfer's to not go out once! After an nice Italian dinner we found that Surfer's isn't that party city we thought it was because it was dead on a Sunday night!! So, with that said, we went to all the way up there and didn't even go out once!! The bright side of that is that it made for quite a cheap trip!

After making it back to Sydney early Monday morning, I went off to class for a couple of hours and Joe wandered the city. That Tuesday consisted of me going to the doctor's office, writing a paper, and going to class. Joe on the other hand had a much better day than me- he went to Manly with a friend of ours from home on the ferry and had a day filled with surfing. After that, he went to the infamous Scruffy's b(an Irish pub) with some friends and I found myself working on a paper all night. Fun Stuff!!!

Wednesday was much better! I went off to work and had my long day of classes, Joe went to the Museum of Contemporary Art and then we went out with some of my girlfriends in Paddington that night.

Thursday we spent the day at Darling Harbour and Friday was spent wandering around the city. I felt a bit badly as Joe was my second visitor and I was not coming up with very good activities. Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the Blue Mountains but Joe says that is just his incentive to get back out here at some point in his life- he wants to hold koalas!

All in all, I think Joe had a great trip and I was happy to show him my new (though temporary) life here in Sydney. Joe was also able to meet all the Golds (every generation) and have some good home cooked meals while he was here.

So, now that the visitors are gone, I had a lot of time to think and get a bit nostalgic- not always a good thing! So, with that said, I miss everyone at home much more than I had originally thought. Hopefully though, I think this little phase will pass as I have much to keep me busy- school, work and Fraser Island in 2 weeks! Also, Rosh Hashanah starts this weekend which means a few days of good old family fun which will be a good change of pace.

Well I miss everyone oodles and will post some more before I leave for Fraser on the 26 September, I'm sure!

Love to all! xoxox